Nestled in the heart of the Smoky Mountains and filled with quirky characters, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, is a city brimming with charm and surprises at every turn. Among its many attractions, there lies a hidden gem that music enthusiasts and collectors of the rare and...
Step into the heart of Gatlinburg on Parkway, and you’ll find a gem that takes you back to the authentic roots of Tennessee: the Tennessee Shine Company. As you venture into its welcoming confines, you’re not just stepping into a distillery; you’re...
Nashville culture tends to seep into Gatlinburg (and vice versa), with the latest example being the arrival of two new hot chicken sandwiches – one at the brand new Sun Diner, and the other on the new menu of Cumberland Jack’s LeConte Kitchen. But which...
Nestled in the picturesque setting of downtown Gatlinburg, Tennessee, a place known for its stunning natural beauty and family-friendly attractions, lies an oasis for automobile enthusiasts—Speedwerkz Exotic Car Experience. But don’t let the quaint, laid-back...
Helicopters have an uncanny ability to get us closer to the skies and offer vistas of the world that are both intimate and panoramic. One such unique experience is provided by Scenic Helicopter Tours, located a little ways outside Gatlinburg in Sevierville, Tennessee...
While Gatlinburg is known for its natural beauty and outdoor adventures, there is one iconic landmark that should be at the top of your must-visit list: the Gatlinburg Space Needle. Rising high above the bustling downtown area, this observation tower offers...